Saving And Investment PlansBajaj Allianz Elite Assure
A traditional savings plan that offers the most attractive return while protecting your family.
Perfect balance of life cover and great return on investment for you
Accrued Guaranteed Loyalty Additions of up to 315% of Guaranteed Maturity Benefit, depending on the premium payment term chosen
Choice of 4 policy terms 15, 20, 25 and 30 years
Option of regular and limited premium payment term
Option to enhance your coverage with rider benefits
Maturity Benefit
The Maturity Benefit is Guaranteed Maturity Benefit (GMB) plus Guaranteed Loyalty Additions (GLA) plus Vested Bonus (VB) plus Interim Bonus (IB), if any, plus Terminal Bonus (TB), if any. VB as declared, will be attached every policy year starting from your first policy year
Additional Rider Benefit
Surrender Benefit:
You will have the option to surrender your policy anytime, provided at least 1 full year's premium has been paid if Premium payment term is less than 10 years or at least 2 full years' premiums have been paid, if premium payment term is 10 years or more
The surrender value shall be higher of:
- Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV) or
- Special Surrender Value (SSV)
Death Benefit:
If all due premiums are paid, then, in case of unfortunate death of the life assured during the policy term, the Sum Assured on Death plus vested bonus, if any plus terminal bonus, if any, will be payable. The Sum Assured on Death is the higher of:
1Sum Assured on Death is the higher of:
- Guaranteed Maturity Benefit
- Sum Assured
* Total premium is exclusive of extra premium, rider premium, Goods and Service Tax, if any.
Premium Rebate:
The investment insurance plan offers a Premium Rebate if your chosen GMB is greater than Rs. 5,00,000.